I have this strong sense that there is something that should be happening now. A conversation, a visit, something. Of course, it's not happening, which leaves me feeling a bit empty.
An infrequently updated journal of thoughts, ramblings, and rantings, The Minstrel's Tale will be an absolutely unauthoritative source on anything. Check frequently for new posts in order to be frequently frustrated by their absence!
24 May 2014
17 May 2014
The wisdom of children
Today, I saw my beautiful, beloved children teach three adults a bit about being parents. A young boy was at the playground with them, totally smothered by parental and grandparental attention. "Try this! Go here! Let me catch you on the BIG SLIDE!"
I asked The Girl to politely ask if the kid could play with them. Her brother was right there, helping find new play and getting right in the dirt with the little kid. No more than five minutes later, the kid was running and playing, jumping off of slides faster than Grandma could catch, and running off in new directions, leading the play for the group. The adults are still hovering too much, but I can see the glimmers of the beginning of an understanding of healthy child play.
I have never been prouder of my children.
08 May 2014
The last glimpse of the child
During the graduation exercises here, there is a moment in which students leave the stage to give roses to family members. When I first came here, I didn't love this portion of the ceremony, but it's now my absolute favorite part.
These young people are learning to look, talk, and act like adults. They stand on stage and are admonished to go into the world and do great things as adults. They take care of themselves and those around them like adults.
Then they go out into the audience and hug Mom or Grandma or Uncle and the baby is back. For possibly the last time in their lives, the child returns for one brief moment in the embrace of that valued loved one. That moment is sheer magic, and I look forward to and dread that moment with my own children.