17 February 2016

I feel this needs clarified

Yes, I am a feminist. No, I do not want Hillary Clinton to be the Democratic nominee in 2016 (or, really, ever).

I get that she has an impressive resume and is tough as diamond plated differential calculus (to steal a phrase from John Green), but it is not my obligation to vote for the first qualified woman to wind up having a reasonable shot at the top of the ticket. Given the choice of anyone currently active in politics, Elizabeth Warren would be my first choice this year. Out of the current crowd of candidates, the old white guy from Vermont is the one who closest resembles her.

Hillary supporters can take solace, though, in the fact that I would vote for a hemorrhoid before I'd vote for any of the boys running on the Republican side of things. Rarely has such a collection of poor credentials and bad ideas been assembled in a single competition for a job.