19 April 2014

one of the problems with me, or why I'm grumpy today

Like most people, I have an internal discussion/monologue going on at most times. This internal voice debates the various outcomes of different actions and attempts to keep me out of trouble. My problem is that, even when it is really accurate, I have a tendency to ignore its advice.

An ongoing problem is that I will find myself bothered by something and wanting to say or do something about it. As soon as I start thinking about it, though, I can tell that digging any deeper will not result in any increase in my personal happiness. Nothing will be positively resolved in a short amount of time and I will likely cause myself to have a bad day from that point forward. However, I am the kind of person who simply cannot choose not to pick at that sore spot. Once I have identified something that bothers me, I have to either confront it and be made less happy by the confrontation (which, as noted before, I knew wouldn't help) or I opt to suppress my irritation and not make a big deal about it, in which case it festers beneath the surface and makes me less happy by not confronting the issue.

It's really a no-win situation, except in the (very) rare cases where speaking out or acting results in an immediate positive resolution.

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