09 February 2014

Wil Wheaton vs. The Omniasshole!

Wil Wheaton has a tumblr. You probably knew that already if you know who he is. If you don't know who he is, I'll wait a moment while you practice some Google Fu.

Everybody back?

OK, Today, he's been answering some questions on his tumblr, as he is wont to do most days. This day, however, he has been the focus of the MRA horde (incidentally - holy shit did Urban Dictionary come through on that one!) since he has spoken out as a decent human being and a male feminist.

This is their thing. They've done it to PZ, they've done it to other decent folks, and they'd probably do it to me if my footprint was big enough to catch their attention. Basically, they throw a lot of false equivalency, a lot of strawmen, a touch of ad hominem, and a whole load of misogyny at anyone who dares to point out that they are assholes who embrace false equivalency, strawman arguments, ad hominem attacks, and engage in misogyny. Indeed, they will accuse you of misandry if you point that out.

Anyhow, this is all a long-winded way of pointing out that you should head over and check out the yeoman's work that Wil has been doing for us all today.

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