17 May 2010

apathy or...?

For the first time since I've been legal to do so, I'm skipping an election.

Arizona is holding a special election with one issue on the ballot: a proposition to raise the state sales tax by 1%. This tax will theoretically be used to raise $1 billion to preserve education, health care, and public safety money that will otherwise be axed. I'm normally a huge fan of education, health care, and public safety, but I still don't know how to vote on this issue, so I'll abstain.

I'm tempted to vote against this proposition for several reasons. Sales taxes are highly regressive, and I dislike that intensely. Further, I hate that the state legislature insisted on cutting taxes in every other area for the past twenty years and is now acting like this emergency situation sprung up on us out of nowhere. Further, I don't trust our state's leadership to actually use this revenue as promised (see: state parks fund).

I'm tempted to vote for this proposition for one big reason: the money is desperately needed.

Since I absolutely cannot resolve these two different viewpoints, I have decided to abstain from voting. It's an odd feeling, but I think it's what comes of not trusting my elected officials while knowing that something must be done.


Gordon said...

I'm in a similar dilemma. In addition to what you stated -- the state has no money yet can apparently find more to enforce SB1070, not to mention the millions of $ we may lose due to boycotts of the state.

I would be somewhat in favor of income tax increase, but not sales tax.

Stephen said...

Not to mention the $250K that Brewer has committed to the rebranding effort for tourism and the up to $3 million for suing the federal government over health care...

I'm up for income tax increase, reinstating all of the corporate income taxes that have been demolished over the past 20 years, corporate property tax, etc. I don't like doing this to sales tax, though, because it shifts the burden to those least able to afford it.