13 July 2014

it's been too long

I want to enjoy things again.

06 July 2014


45 minutes of riding a bike (and getting lost a bit) while wearing luggage weighing approximately as much as both of my kids combined has made it abundantly clear that I am no longer 17.

04 July 2014

An absolute must-read

Go ahead and read this and stop being judgmental and cut out the slut shaming.

Commander Chris Hadfield

Tell me you don't want to buy Chris Hadfield a coffee and give him a hug/handshake.

01 July 2014

so tired

I can't remember the last time I was this exhausted this constantly. It is a physical and emotional exhaustion that doesn't go away. I'm working so hard and feel like I'm making no headway.

My M.Ed program begins next week and lasts a complete year while I work full time. I don't know how I'm going to do this.