For years now, it's been a frequent gripe of mine that some of the people who knew me when I was younger haven't bothered to understand the man I've grown up to be. I've also occasionally found it amusing to consider my interactions with various people in the past and to imagine how differently I would have felt about those people if Then Me could think and act as Now Me does.
For all the time and thought that I have put into these two different ideas, I haven't ever seriously considered that others might have changed from the people I knew as well. Of course, I understand it on an intellectual level, but I've never taken the time to really think about the progressions that other people may have made.
Although I talk in a facetious manner as though I think myself to be perfect, I do tend to introspect a lot and seek out flaws in my own thinking and understanding, but this one came as a shock. I'm a bit surprised that I never paused to see the world this way, and I will have to put some time in on trying to gain a new understanding of a lot of people that I used to know.